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Open-Face Pesto, Cheddar and Tomato Baguette Sandwich

Open-Face Pesto, Cheddar and Tomato Baguette Sandwich

This ain't your average hoity-toity tea party finger food. This open-faced masterpiece is a blend of bold, garlicky pesto, sharp cheddar, and juicy summer tomatoes, all nestled on a canvas of crusty French bread. It's the kind of sandwich that demands to be devoured with gusto.


Why You'll Devour This Open-Faced Pesto Dream:

This recipe is a winner for a few reasons, and they're all good enough to shout about from the rooftops:

  • Flavor Bomb Alert: This ain't your mama's tomato and cheese sandwich. The vibrant pesto adds a layer of garlicky goodness that cuts through the richness of the cheddar, while the juicy tomatoes provide a pop of freshness. It's a symphony of textures and tastes that will leave you wanting more.

  • Quick and Easy: This recipe is perfect for busy weeknights or lazy weekends. The pesto comes together in a food processor in minutes, and the whole sandwich assembles in a flash. No fancy culinary skills required, just a love for good food.

  • Customizable Canvas: This recipe is just a starting point – feel free to get creative! Add a sprinkle of red pepper flakes for a kick, swap the cheddar for mozzarella, or throw on some leftover grilled chicken. It's all about making it your own and enjoying the delicious journey.

  • Perfect for a Crowd: Need to feed a hungry bunch? No problem! This recipe easily scales up to accommodate a whole crew. Just grab another baguette, whip up a bigger batch of pesto, and double the cheesy goodness.

  • Next-Level Comfort Food: This open-faced masterpiece is the ultimate comfort food upgrade. It's hearty enough to satisfy, yet light enough to leave you feeling good. Plus, there's something about the combination of warm, toasted bread, melted cheese, and fresh ingredients that just hits the spot.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • Vibrant Pesto: Fresh basil leaves are the heart and soul of the pesto, adding a burst of peppery goodness. Toasted pine nuts lend a rich, nutty depth, while garlic packs a punch of savory flavor. A drizzle of olive oil ties everything together, and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice brightens up the whole party. Finally, Parmesan cheese adds a salty, umami finish.

  • Sharp Cheddar Cheese: This creamy, tangy cheese cuts through the richness of the pesto and adds a satisfying sharpness to the sandwich. Feel free to use a different cheese if you're feeling adventurous, but the cheddar is a classic for a reason!

  • Juicy Cherry Tomatoes: These little pops of sunshine add a burst of sweetness and freshness to the sandwich. They also provide a welcome contrast to the richness of the cheese and pesto.

  • Crusty Baguette: This crusty bread is the perfect base for the sandwich. It holds its shape under the broiler and provides a satisfying chew that complements the other ingredients perfectly.


Forget the sad, soggy tomato and cheese sandwiches of yesteryear. This open-faced wonder is an explosion of flavor and texture, ready to take your taste buds on a joyful adventure. Let's dive into the deliciousness, shall we?

Step 1: Pesto Ingredients

  • Fresh Basil Leaves: Grab a handful of these green beauties and tear or roughly chop them. No need for fancy knife skills, just get them ready to join the party.

  • Toasty Pine Nuts: In a dry skillet, watch these little flavor bombs closely as they transform from pale to golden brown over medium-low heat. They burn fast, so keep stirring! Once fragrant and golden, banish them from the heat to a cool plate – burnt nuts are unwelcome guests.

  • Garlic Cloves: Peel and roughly chop these pungent powerhouses. They'll add a savory kick to the pesto, but don't worry, they won't leave you with garlic breath for days (unless you eat the whole batch yourself, and who could blame you?).

  • Olive Oil: Drizzle in some good quality olive oil to add richness and help everything blend together smoothly.

  • Sea Salt & Freshly Cracked Black Pepper: A sprinkle of each is all you need to awaken the flavors and make them sing.

  • Lemon Juice: A squeeze of sunshine! This brightens up the whole pesto party and adds a touch of acidity to balance everything out.

  • Parmesan Cheese: Finely grated, this salty, umami cheese is the finishing touch to our vibrant green symphony.


Step 2: Mix the Pesto

Toss all the pesto ingredients (except the Parmesan) into your trusty food processor. Give it a few pulses until everything is roughly chopped and beautifully acquainted. Scrape down the sides, then give it another whirl to make sure everyone's playing nicely together. Finally, add the Parmesan and process until the pesto is smooth and creamy – a delightful green spread ready to take center stage.

Step 3: Building Your Sandwich

  • Crusty Baguette: Slice this beauty in half lengthwise, creating two open-faced canvases for your culinary masterpiece.

  • Sharp Cheddar Cheese: Shred this creamy, tangy cheese – it's the perfect foil to the bold flavors of the pesto. Feel free to use a different cheese if you're feeling adventurous, but the cheddar is a classic for a reason!

  • Juicy Cherry Tomatoes: Slice these little pops of sunshine in half. They add sweetness, freshness, and a burst of color to the party.

Step 4: Broiler Time!

Preheat your broiler and get ready for the magic to happen. Spread a generous layer of pesto on each baguette half. Top with the sliced cherry tomatoes and a sprinkle of the cheddar cheese. Slide the open-faced sandwiches onto a baking sheet and place them under the watchful eye of the broiler. Keep a close eye on them – this is a fast and furious affair! You're looking for the cheese to melt and get all gooey and bubbly, with a hint of golden brown on top. Timing will vary depending on your oven, so don't walk away – burnt cheese is nobody's friend.

Step 5: Devour and Repeat!

Once the cheese is melted and toasty, remove the sandwiches from the broiler and grab a plate (or skip the plate and go straight for the good stuff!). This is the kind of food that begs to be eaten with your hands, so don't be shy – dig in and enjoy the explosion of flavors! Feeling adventurous? Add a sprinkle of red pepper flakes for a kick or swap the cheddar for mozzarella. This recipe is just a starting point – make it your own and enjoy the delicious journey!



  • Veggie Delight: Add a layer of roasted red peppers, zucchini, or eggplant for a vegetarian twist.

  • Spicy Fiesta: Add a pinch of red pepper flakes or a drizzle of sriracha to the pesto for a kick of heat.

  • Balsamic Bliss: Drizzle a touch of balsamic reduction over the finished sandwich for a sweet and tangy contrast.

More Sandwich Ideas:

Sloppy Joes - From the Pennsylvania Grange 1972

Roasted Beet and Honey Goat Cheese Sandwich

Sunday Morning Avocado Toast

Pimento Cheese Vegetarian Reuben

TLT - Tofu Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich

Yield: 8
Author: Jodi Boatman
Open-Face Pesto, Cheddar and Tomato Baguette Sandwich

Open-Face Pesto, Cheddar and Tomato Baguette Sandwich

This ain't your average hoity-toity tea party finger food. This open-faced masterpiece is a blend of bold, garlicky pesto, sharp cheddar, and juicy summer tomatoes, all nestled on a canvas of crusty French bread. It's the kind of sandwich that demands to be devoured with gusto.
Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 10 MinTotal time: 25 Min


Classic Pesto


  1. Toast pine nuts - place in a dry skillet over low-medium heat, stir frequently until golden, about 3-4 minutes. Remove the pine nuts immediately from the pan and place on a heat proof plate to keep the nuts from continuing to toast. Set aside to cool.
  2. Pesto - place basil, olive oil, cooled toasted pine nuts, garlic, salt, pepper and lemon juice in a food processor and process until all Ingredient are finely chopped. Scrape down the sides and process again to make sure all are incorporated. Add parmesan and process until smooth.
  3. Sandwich - Turn on your oven’s broiler. Cut baguettes into 1/4 and slice lengthwise, spread pesto over baguette, add sliced tomatoes and cheddar. Place sandwiches on an oven safe baking sheet and put under broiler. Broil for about 3 minutes. Keep an eye on your sandwiches. Each oven is different and you may need more or less time to melt the cheese. You are looking for the cheese to melt and brown a bit but not burn.
  4. Remove from oven and enjoy!!!



  • Don't have pine nuts? No worries! Swap them with walnuts, almonds, or even cashews for a twist on the classic pesto flavor.

Nutrition Facts




29.54 g

Sat. Fat

8.76 g


18.49 g


1.28 g

Net carbs

17.21 g


2.61 g


13.26 g


772.77 mg


32.5 mg
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