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Fresh Summer Salad with Raspberry Lambic Dressing

Fresh Summer Salad with Raspberry Lambic Dressing

As I have mentioned in past blog posts, I am struggling with my hysterectomy recovery. The pain from the surgery is mostly gone (I still get a few sharp pains in the area of my scar). The biggest problem is menopause! I went to my doctor last week to discuss my current issues. I am experiencing eight to fifteen hot flashes a day, crazy anxiety and sleepless nights! When I move from room to room at home, I bring a fan with me. I sleep (when I sleep) with a fan blowing on me (to the point that my eyeballs are completely dry when I wake up). I have been on Effexor for the last 4-5 months. When I first started on Effexor I experienced considerable relief. My hot flashes lessened, my anxiety improved, but I had to keep upping my does to continue to feel better. Last week I was up to 150mg and I felt about how I did before I started taking Effexor.

My doctor now has me weening off Effexor with the goal of being completely SNRI free in a month. Coming off Effexor is terrible. I am now at 75mg and starting tomorrow I am suppose to take it every-other day for a week. The following week, every two days until I run out. Once I am off Effexor, my doctor and I can discuss other options. So, not only am I suffering through all the symptoms of menopause at 42, I am also dealing with discontinuation syndrome. The symptoms of discontinuation syndrome are fatigue, muscle pain, nausea, headaches, imbalance, sweating, restlessness, high blood pressure, abnormal sensory disturbances, dizziness, nightmares, problems with concentration, anxiety, confusion and psychosis. Fun right!

I am experiencing several of these symptoms, including; fatigue, nausea, imbalance, sweating, restlessness, brain zaps, dizziness, nightmare (wow are these intense, I need a dream journal and a therapist!) and anxiety. Why in the world are drugs made that cause these side effects when you have to stop taking them? I know that my doctor keeps saying that each women experiences things differently and the way this seems to work is trial and error, but dang…I need some sleep and hot flash free days. I would settle for a long vacation to a cold climate. Does anyone in Newfoundland Canada want to adopt me?

I have to keep reminding myself that the discomfort that I am experiencing is so much less terrible than the pain of endometriosis and andomeritis. I am going to keep sharing my journey because it is important for women to know that they are not alone. I have had amazing women reach out to tell me to stay strong and things will get better. Thank you ladies for being an incredible support system! I send you big hugs!

I am continuing to eat healthy (not so much today because I went to Olive Garden with my husband and ate one too many bread sticks). I love going to Trader Joe’s and picking out ingredients that I want to use in a recipe. Last week I was inspired by their fresh raspberries, goat cheese and lambic beer. A salad seemed like the most likely use of these ingredients! Enjoy my Fresh Summer Salad with Raspberry Lambic Dressing and tell me what you think!

What are your number-one salad ingredients? Do you have a special salad dressing that is a family favorite?


Fresh Summer Salad with Raspberry Lambic Dressing

Author: Jodi Boatman    Prep Time: 20 Minutes    Cook time: 0 Minutes       

Total Time: 20 Minutes    Yields:  8 Servings


2 5 oz bag Trader Joe’s Organic Power Greens
1 C fresh raspberries
1 5 oz package of chèvre goat cheese 
1/4 C French’s Caramelized Crispy Fried Onions, crushed 
1 5 oz package of Trader Joe’s Candied Walnuts
1/2 medium red onions, sliced thin
4 TSP Chia seed 

Raspberry Lambic Dressing

1/4 C Raspberry Lambic Beer
1/2 C fresh raspberry
1/2 C extra virgin olive oil
1 TBSP shallots, chopped fine
2 TBSP Trader Joe’s Aioli Garlic Mustard Sauce
4 TBSP red wine vinegar
salt and pepper to taste


  • To make the dressing, combine all ingredients in a blender and process until emulsified. Set aside.

  • To make the goat cheese balls, divide the goat cheese into 16 portions and form into small balls.  Add crushed fried onions to a plate and rolls the goat cheese balls over the onions until evenly coated. Set aside.

  • To assemble the salad add greens, 1 cup of raspberries, goat cheese balls, walnuts and red onions to a large salad bowl.  Top with dressing and chia seeds.  Toss and serve immediately. 

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