All tagged Pennsylvania Granges Cookbook

Peanut Butter Blossoms - From the Pennsylvania Grange 1972

So, what makes these cookies extra special? It's the perfect blend of peanut butter goodness and the surprise element – a Hershey's Kiss perched right on top. The combination of nutty and chocolatey flavors is like a culinary symphony in your mouth.

Here's a nod to tradition: the recipe I swear by comes straight from the Pennsylvania Grange Cookbook, a treasure trove of homely recipes passed down through the ages. It's like a culinary time machine that brings you the taste of yesteryears, and Peanut Blossom Cookies are a timeless favorite.

Sauerkraut Salad - Pennsylvania Grange 1972

Sauerkraut salad is more than just a delightful dish—it's a culinary window into the past. As generations have passed, this salad has become a cherished part of family gatherings, holidays, and community events. Sharing a bowl of sauerkraut salad is not just about savoring its flavors but also about embracing the history and heritage of Pennsylvania Dutch culture. It as also an amazing condiment on a hot dog, hamburger or sandwiches!

Onion and Rice Casserole - From the Pennsylvania Grange 1972

This savory onion and rice casserole is more than just a dish; it's a journey into the heart of comfort. With its simple yet thoughtful combination of ingredients, this casserole offers a wholesome and satisfying experience that's perfect for family gatherings, potlucks, or those evenings when you crave a taste of nostalgia. So, gather your ingredients, preheat the oven, and treat yourself to a delightful culinary adventure that celebrates the magic of good food and cherished moments.

Ship Wreck - From the Pennsylvania Grange 1972

Indulge in a mouthwatering flood of flavors with this delectable Ship Wreck Casserole from the Pennsylvania Grange. This delightful dish combines the richness of hamburger (or impossible burger), the wholesome goodness of kidney beans, the tangy sweetness of tomatoes, and the comforting texture of potatoes. With just a few simple ingredients, you can create a hearty and satisfying meal that will warm your heart and fill your belly. Let's dive into the recipe! This recipe was sent into the Grange by Miss Carrie E. Lesher of Shartsville Grange No. 1512